Mountain Safety

From Burnout to Breakthrough: My Journey Back to Training Balance  - Kevin Banks blog

From Burnout to Breakthrough: My Journey Back to Training Balance  - Kevin Banks blog

Here’s a blog post by Kevin Banks

Last year was a monumental year for me. I pushed myself to embark on two big and challenging races - the West Highland Way Race and the TDS by UTMB, just two months apart. Despite the challenges I faced, I was able to train effectively and enjoy the wonderful experience of both gruelling events. However, the aftermath of such a big year took a toll on me, both physically and mentally. 

The Mountain Goat Rescue - Mark Smith blog

The Mountain Goat Rescue - Mark Smith blog

Here’s Arjit sharing an inspiring story of an event he created.

Dragons Back and Cape Wrath supremo Mark Smith opens up about his rescue from his local hills.

“I guess when things like this happen you go into survival mode. I recall feeling quite calm and matter of fact about the situation, but the odd glance at my shattered ankle was making me feel a bit queasy. I was thinking of the best steps to follow to get help quickly.”