Kevin Banks

From Burnout to Breakthrough: My Journey Back to Training Balance  - Kevin Banks blog

From Burnout to Breakthrough: My Journey Back to Training Balance  - Kevin Banks blog

Here’s a blog post by Kevin Banks

Last year was a monumental year for me. I pushed myself to embark on two big and challenging races - the West Highland Way Race and the TDS by UTMB, just two months apart. Despite the challenges I faced, I was able to train effectively and enjoy the wonderful experience of both gruelling events. However, the aftermath of such a big year took a toll on me, both physically and mentally. 

Running 'Lite' : Jennifer Campbell - Athlete Focus

Running 'Lite' : Jennifer Campbell - Athlete Focus

Last year Jennifer successfully completed her first ultra, the Kintyre Way Ultra, after entering at the last minute. This year Jennifer entered the Speyside Way Ultra but really struggled to find the ideal training plan to suit her specific level of experience and race goals, so made the decision to join the Pyllon LITE coaching program in May.