Patricia Carvalho

Inverness to Skye - A Dark Adventure: Patricia Carvalho

Inverness to Skye - A Dark Adventure: Patricia Carvalho

A blog by Patricia

Last year was a tough one for me, I got injured, left jobs, lost my furry soul mate and best bunny friend and struggled all year in all areas of my life. I experienced and am still trying to deal with different types of grief and disappointment. I lost my focus and my purpose in life, felt hopeless and at times even my desire to run was nowhere to be found. I got by but, I wasn’t me. This project, in a way, brought me back to life, gave me some focus, meaning and passion to get me through the winter and it started to re-ignite a spark that I feared I was losing. I know, I hope I’ll find a bit more of me when I get going out there this weekend.